Summer Camp
English Summer Camp for children 2.5 to 8 years of age.
Welcome to the Fun zone, the ultimate Kids Camp! Where children learn the English language while having great adventures! A special summer program open to everyone is organised between mid-June and mid-July, designed to bring out maximum enjoyment to children.
Theme Programme
Flopsy day campers enjoy an exciting summer of time travel ranging from visiting Jurassic Park, Underwater Adventures in Mermaid Lagoons, Knights and Princesses in Medieval Castles, visits to Indian Villages Adventures in the African Jungle, visits to the Magic Faraway Fairy Tree and Swashbuckling Treasure Hunts with vile ferocious Pirates.
Creative programme
Create Pop Art with your fingers and feet. Make 3D Tyrannosaurus Rex, medieval high towered castles, Indian bead necklaces, King’s crown, ocean tiaras and jewellery, magic wands and the Jolly Roger pirate flag. Sing mermaid songs, dance the flower fairy dance, move to the rhythm of the African tribal drums and more.
Swimming lessons
All children are taken to the swimming pool and are given lessons by expert instructors. Children are divided according to their swimming ability level (making use of, both adult and baby pools)
Action play: Physical and Sport Play
Good old playground games, balls, ropes, hula-hoops, tag, hide and seek, hop scotch, and more. Ball play, run in a sac, pull the rope, dance, roll over jump skip and run. Action guaranteed!
Water Play
We at the Flopsy bunnies love to stay cool and wet in summer. We wash toys, dishes and everything children love to wash at home if mummy let them.
Our Summer Program has been specially developed to encourage children to learn the English language while developing their socio-emotional, communication and creative skills. Children are encouraged to develop their independence, their self-confidence and are introduced to various new activities and skills. Our Summer program provides children with the opportunity to make new friends while undergoing new adventures in the most relaxed, enjoyable and fun manner.