Our Reception class, for children of four years of age, is based on the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) of the British National Curriculum. Reception is the preparatory stage for the child getting ready to enter elementary school.
An integrated programme of learning and care is founded upon a series of developmental markers focusing on the development of the whole child and includes the following areas.
• Literacy
Introduction to Reading and Writing
• Mathematics
Introduction to simple practical mathematics, mathematical ideas and language.
• Understanding of the World
Children will develop their knowledge of people, lands, climate, habits and celebrations.
• Expressive Arts & Design• Science
Children will experiment, observe, discover and test materials and ideas.
• History & Mythology
• Physical Education
• Music
Each child's progress is carefully planned and monitored towards the achievement of goals of independence and self-confidence. This structured program prepares children for the start of more formal learning in Year 1.